Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Explore the world of crocheting doilies

At Crochetdoilymania you will find how to crochet for beginners, many accessories, doilies, fancy caps, hats ponchos, shawls, baby blankets and lot more fun ways of this stress-relieving hobby...Keep coming back to check out new videos.
Don't forget to ask questions and leave your comments...
Learn how to crochet with free beginner crochet patterns and easy tutorials with step-by-step instructions. Find crochet hooks, yarns, threads, tools, charts and supplies. Learn beginning through advanced skills and techniques including thread crochet


  1. kavitha,
    I really thank you for the useful information in this blog. I have been searching for this since long.
    Thanks once again.

  2. it's true u r the best :) luv all of ur stuff right now i making a little throw i need to post a pic or vid of my puff hat n scarf i also make a bunch of hearts <3 in differnt colors for the 14 giving them to my hubby,kids n gbabies ty soooo much 4 showing how :)

  3. Glad you liked. Were you able to post the vid?
