
How to Crochet Flowers

As a kid when I started crocheting, I was going gaga about the variety of different possible crocheted flowers.
There are several floral patterns available which you can use to decorate your home or fashion.
An old dress comes to life with a bunch of flowers smiling on it. Or an simple plain side bag looks so elegant with a nice flower at the corner. Kindle your imagination, your kids headband, or a hairpin, on season greetings, table cloth, kitchen towel. fridge magnet, pot holder, kerchief or a hand towel, beautify  anything that fits your need

About Crochet Flowers

Crocheted flowers have a  delicate and beautiful but elegant appearance. Few of them are quite realistic looking, while others are a little more abstract.
Crocheted flowers are popular items for crafters to make for several reasons. For example:
  • Flowers are an excellent project to help pass the time when you're waiting for an appointment.
  • If you're impatient, crocheted flowers offer instant gratification when compared to blankets and other larger projects.
  • Simple flowers are a great first project for children who are just learning to crochet.
Additionally, crocheted flowers are amazingly versatile. They can be used as decorative elements on pillows, lampshades, wall hangings, and home décor items or incorporated into centerpieces and other elements for a special party. You can turn your flowers into pins, necklaces, or fun fashion accessories. Even paper crafters have gotten into the act by adding crocheted embellishments to their handmade cards and scrapbook layouts.

Simple crochet flower with 5 petals

Skill Level - EasyAbbreviations
DC -Double Crochet
CH - Chain
SL ST - Slip Stitch
Size 7/1.65 steel crochet hook 

Red Heart white cotton thread size 10
Needle to sew in tails


Chain 3, join, with the beginning stitch.

Round 1: *Chain 3, SL ST through the chain loop. Complete 5 times from *, join at the base of the beginning stitch to join.  (5 chain 3 loops total) 

Round 2: *SL ST in to the next chain 3 loop. CH 1, work 5 DC through the CH 3, CH 1, SL ST in the same CH 3, Complete 5 times total from *. Join with the beginning stitch.